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    How We Take Care of the Environment

    The goal of Fulton Forest Products’ timber management and harvesting group is to make certain we promote sustainable forests and Best Management Practices, while meeting the objectives of the landowner.

    Through the generations, our family has continued to keep sustainable forests a priority. Just as we have been here over the long-term, we’d like our forests to be, too.

    We believe it is our responsibility to manage the timber so that future generations can also enjoy and profit from the choices we make today in our forests.

    We believe in a balance, so we:

    Use the entire product of the log – no waste
    Not just comply but exceed all local, state and federal laws related to the environment
    Consistently protect the soil, air and water
    Protect and improve fish and wildlife habitat
    Promote the future crop of trees by using silvicultural techniques
    Oversee progress and practices throughout the entire timber harvest
    Minimize the harvesting impact by thoughtfully planning the location of logging roads and skid trails
    Teach the importance of caring for the environment, forests and wood products to others by giving school tours of our facility and offering presentations to organizations